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How to Manage Stress & Anxiety

We are living in very challenging times. Not only do we have to deal with stress from our jobs, relationships, and other personal challenges, we often have to deal with collective anxiety as the human species struggles with threats that affect everyone on the planet.

Step up Your Mental Game

Anxiety can reveal itself in many forms: inability to sit still, unwillingness to be alone for more than short periods of time, stress eating, insomnia, frequent nightmares, uncontrollable fidgeting, stuttering, irritability, sweating, body temperature changes, and other symptoms.

Anxiety comes from fear. When you are in fear, you are making the assumption that something that could happen to you will happen, although it has not happened to you and there is often no valid reason to suppose that it will. The best way to avoid anxiety is to manage fear by staying in the present moment. If at the present time you are all right, then you are all right! Period. The future is irrelevant and it is unwise to put much focus on future events because they are fictitious events that have not yet manifested.

The past and the future do not exist. All we have is right now. Mindfulness meditation is a great way to keep yourself focused in the present and out of fear.


There are thousands of YouTube posts that offer soothing, ambient music or guided meditations that can help you focus your mind and relax. Here is one from my YouTube channel.


Essential oils can have an amazing affect on our emotional health. Essential oil molecules are very volatile, meaning that they are small and travel through the air quickly and absorb into the skin at a rapid pace that help them enter the bloodstream quickly. When essential oil molecules come into contact with receptors in your nose, and also into your bloodstream, they can have a soothing, calming affect.

Wild Purple Energy Products Can Help

Our products are blended to bring about a certain emotional response: the aromatherapeutic effect of the essential oils, healing energy, and crystal essences can affect you energetically and emotionally. If your nerves are getting the best of you, the following product lines are the best at calming nerves and staying centered: Grounding Product Line and Wind Down Product Line, Balancing Product Line.

Salt Bathing

I’ve been blowing this horn for a long time…I can’t tell you how much salt bathing can help you manage your energy and emotions. Check out the following posts below, and try Wild Purple Energy Bath Salts here. Our bath salts are blessed with energy that makes them very potent purifiers. If you are a little cash-strapped then try making your own salt blends!

How to Take A Salt Bath

Spiritual Bathing vs. Taking a Bath

Bath Salts

Homeopathic Remedies

I am a longtime supporter of homeopathic remedies and I use them often. In times of acute stress, I turn to Bach Flower Rescue Remedy. This is a very gentle product that is safe to use. It is energetic medicine that is designed to not produce side effects. It does not have an abrupt effect on the mood, you will find yourself feeling more “evened out” and clear-headed. It also does a good job of helping me to sleep during periods of acute stress. Use as directed. You can purchase the remedy at your local health food store, cooperative grocery, Whole Foods, Amazon, and online at:

I am not a doctor–just a citizen who is sharing the effects of a natural health product that I have used for over ten years. I cannot guarantee any affect it may have on others, if at all.

Check Out these Posts on the Product Lines Mentioned Above:

Balancing Product Line

Grounding Product Line

Wind Down Product Line

2 thoughts on “How to Manage Stress & Anxiety

  1. Another gift. You are out here saving lives- Thank you.

    1. Thank you so much! We all do what we can. I appreciate you reading and thank you for leaving a comment!

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