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What is Divine Health?

Often on my site and social media you will hear me refer to the term “Divine Health.” So I thought I would explain what I mean. It is my belief that the human body was not designed for disease, sickness, or mental turmoil. I do not believe that the first humans had these experiences with the same frequency as modern humanity. Diseases or sicknesses would have happened solely as a manifestation of an experience that soul decided to have, or it would be the soul’s way of choosing their method of transition off of the Earth plane (death); mental strife would happen as a response to difficulties, but would usually be a temporary situation and not something that the human would have to manage long term.

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The Importance of Grounding

Our ancestors understood the importance of staying connected to nature. Most modern Westerners have forgotten this: we live in fortresses of comfort that shield us from the energies of nature, and trap us in a cage of man-made electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) that disrupt our biofields. These disruptive frequencies can cause emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances, and could be one cause in the rise of ADHD diagnoses.

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