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What is an Energy Health & Wellness Consultation?

Energy Health & Wellness sessions contain an emotional, spiritual and physical health “discovery” process using various methods of biofeedback to find out if there is an emotional or spiritual root cause of any ailments you may be experiencing. We will perform an energy balance (a more targeted form of energy healing) to address these root causes or any other health goals you bring to the session.

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What is a Bach Flower Essence Consultation?

Emotions are energy, so using an energy-based healing modality is the best way to get them under control. Flower Essences are considered “frequency” or “vibrational” healing modalities, which makes them effective tools for emotional and behavioral management. Flower Essences are uniquely able to gently and safely tame rampant emotions, strengthen a weak personality, relieve stress, release emotional trauma, dissolve emotional patterns and break destructive habits on very deep levels, including patterns that are subconscious in nature. Since stuck emotional energy is one of the major causes of physical dis-ease, Bach Flower Essences can also be helpful in addressing physical symptoms as well.

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Multiple Systems of Medicine: You have options!

Did you know that there are many different systems of medicine besides that which we find in the clinics and hospitals in the American healthcare system? Allopathic medicine, is the type of medicine that is practiced in America and other western healthcare systems, but there are many other types: According to the FDA, and the AMA, these other systems and their practitioners fall under the “alternative” medicine umbrella, but there really isn’t anything alternative about them.

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