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Detach Product Line

Detach Product Line

The Detach product line was created to help people remove spiritual attachments. It is truly amazing that so many physical and mental afflictions can be caused by intrusive energy. Year after year, people take themselves to healers and doctors for assistance when unbeknownst to them and the medical professionals, their energy fields (aura) have been invaded by something external from themselves and needs to be removed.

A spiritual attachment means that a spirit has integrated itself within a human’s spiritual body. Humans are multidimensional beings—we have a soul or spirit that exists on a higher dimension that is anchored to our third dimensional or physical body.

Just like we can attract other humans who want to use us for our money, sympathy, or what we can do for them, we can attract the spiritual equivalent of entities that want to use us for our spiritual energy. Discarnate human souls, thought-form entities, and even demonic energies can benefit greatly from the human energy field, and they can attach to you to siphon off your precious life force energy for their own sustenance.

The Detach product line can put a stop to this parasitic relationship. The Detach Essential Oil Blend is expertly blended with high vibration oils that repel negative energy.  Rose essential oil is known as the king (or Queen, since it is aligned with feminine energy) of all essential oils, because it has the highest vibration of all oils. Frankincense, and Myrhh have been used in exorcisms for over a thousand years. Juniper and Rosemary oil will transmute (change) dark emotions and thoughts into positive energy. The Cypress and Angelica will ground the energy field. Angelica is a very unique essential oil—its scientific name is Angelica Archangelica—there are different theories that explain how it got it’s name, but I believe that this special oil is somehow connected to the Archangels. It’s is a very strong protective oil.

I created this blend with help from my spirit guides and Archangel Michael. It is a very powerful and effective blend that will move negative energy from your spiritual and physical body. Some attachments have been with a human for so long, that the negative energy has infiltrated their physical body on a cellular level, even going so far as to corrupt the DNA—this isn’t the usual scenario but it can and does happen. Remember “as above, so below,” so what is happening in the spiritual body is always mirrored by the physical body. If negative energy is being removed from your spiritual body, the physical body will also purge, and that means side effects.

The energy has to leave your body somehow, so you may have a skin eruption like a rash, or digestive discomfort like excessive gas, diarrhea, or vomiting. You may feel lightheaded, dizzy, or in a fog for a few days. Emotional side effects are possible as well: You may become very irritable, manic, or even depressed. These side effects are undesirable to be sure. But, like I said, the energy has to leave the body somehow. If you have an adverse side effect that means the product is working! If you have a skin reaction, discontinue use for a few days, or use plain, unscented bath salts if you want to continue the regimen. At any time you can fall back to the Protection or Emotional Clearing product lines. Both work well in displacing and repelling negative energy but are less potent and do not tend to bring about physical side effects.  While they will definitely make you feel better, they may not be enough to get rid of a nasty entity if it really has its hooks in you. Removing this negative energy is not going to be pleasant. You can try to find someone who specializes in the removal of attachments.

If you have had an attachment for many years, the Detach product blend will help, but may not be strong enough for a 100% removal—You will need to find a professional in your area. Some Reiki healers and Shamans can remove spiritual attachments. Some catholic priests offer exorcism services as well.

For usage directions, please read: How To Use the Detach Product Line

Detach Product Line:

Essential Oil

Aura Spray

Bath Salts

Shop the Detach Product Line

For usage directions, please read: How To Use the Detach Product Line

1 thought on “Detach Product Line

  1. I wanted to share my personal experienc/review of the full Detach product line. However it begins with several other of Anika’s (Wild Purple Energy) offerings!

    After several months of looking/searching outward for relief, I (thankfully) crossed paths with Anika at a wellness expo. Her Wild Purple Energy booth and offerings drew me in, in a way that I felt compelled to talk to her and simply learn more. I didn’t walk away with anything from the Detach line that day, but nearly a year after I met her and began using her Protection Spray and Reiki Oil I realized I needed deeper healing and clearing. It was then that I engaged Anika professionally and booked a session with her for spiritual guidance. I had been working through so much emotionally that she helped me to see through from a higher perspective. I was then able to reach a new place of awareness over the course of a few months using the Emotional Clearing line.

    Once the emotional clearing had mostly settled, I connected with her again for spiritual guidance and asked specifically about how to remove spiritual attachments/clear spiritual detritus. This is essentially (for me) about releasing all that I’d been carrying throughout my life that did not belong to me. I have diagnosed ADHD, depression and anxiety, among several other psychological and physical symptoms that have been under-diagnosed or just “hidden” by me to survive in this world. I began to understand how it all points back to my childhood and not receiving nurturing or loving attachment from parents or any family at all.

    As I began to release and clear emotions, I was able to better understand how these diagnosis don’t define who I am inside, but rather how I was coping under the weight of all that had been “put upon” me from birth and informed the patterns I was living with and trying to shed.

    Once I had this higher, more observant and patient perspective for my neurology and how it had distanced me from my inner-light, I was able to humble myself and recognized I likely needed an exorcism. Turns out that was not exactly true, and I learned that all I ever needed was a witness to honor the truth and pain I had been holding for decades, along with this powerful line of energized, supportive healing ritual gifts to help me through.

    I had several ‘false starts’ once I began using the Detach line. The darkness I was carrying was very cunning and made me believe I was “done” with the Detach protocol several times. However, once I began a separate practice with a sound healing practitioner (recommended by Anika) I was able to clear/displace my negative thoughts/energy enough over a solid 7 days of Detach salt baths, aura spray and using the oil directly.

    I began having having physical pain again for the first time in months, but it was new as this was the sensation third eye pain as well as a “grip” at the base of my skull. These sensations helped me recognize how little control I had over my mental state. Because I was now emotionally stable, I was able to push through these negative/limiting thoughts and the Detach oil was the only thing that eased these pains.

    My healing journey has taken me a lifetime and I’ve finally found my way to clearer thinking, my inner-light and “knowing.” It is with deep gratitude that I share this story here, as Anika has created a *powerful healing modality.* If this formula is speaking to you in any way, I encourage you to trust and proceed.

    I still have somewhat of a long way to go with regard to creating an outer-world that resembles my clarity and purpose as I understand it, now. And I may be using the Detach line for longer than I expected, simply to keep me “in the clear” as I continue working to rewire my thinking and bring back creative spark/flow. My soul is very much “at peace” with exactly where and how “I am” right now, thanks to this miracle product and the woman behind it. I have no doubt that I would have continued struggling for years without them!

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